
Friday, August 29, 2014

December Daily 2013: Part 3

This day forward was when the activities went out the window! Alisha was feeling sick and had a fever for a couple of days so we ran to the ER and of course didn't have time to do the activity of the night, we were supposed to decorate the house for Christmas...

On this page I used an insert that I bought at Archiver's, it came on a pack with other die cuts I just hole punch it and use a sticker. The red 4 x 4 card is from a pattern paper, the tag and Santa came from the Recollections die cut pack.

On the back there's more pictures of Alisha feeling sick and of Chloe who was hiding under Alisha's bed (I thought it was funny)...

The title page for day 5 is another of the albums dividers, I used a tag, the number is from the 12 x 12 sheet and the flowers came from the dollar spot at Michael's.

Day 5 we didn't did the activity either which was "play games" (we did that on day 6), Cedric had a school event on Barnes and Noble where they were showcasing the class artwork (that was Cedric's). For this photo I used a 6 x 8 page protector and wanted the photo as big as the pp, back then I print my pictures at Walgreen's and the cost of a 8 x 10 it's $3.99!! For me, that's too much so I decided to print them on two 4 x 6 photos. At first I didn't mind the line in the middle but now looking at them I think it looks kind of funny, at least on this one (you'll see what I meant in the next pic). 

On the back there's more photos of Cedric doing a scavenger hunt and the artwork. For this photo I also used two 4 x 6 but because is a collage I was able to include a glitter tape and tag in the middle of it. 

For the title page of day 6 I used pattern paper, washi tape, a dollie, the number came from the 12 x 12 sheet, etc. 

The activity on day 6 was to do a gift for the teacher but instead we play games (the activity of day 5); I made a Christmas bingo (you can see the cards on the pocket at the left) and when we finish with that we played Scrabble.

On this page I used another shaker card (that I also made myself) and the 3 x 4 card was from a 12 x 12 sheet. Inside the shaker card I used a lot of sequins, the snowflakes I punched from a vellum sheet and the barn came from a Martha Stewart Christmas die cuts.

On the back you can still see the shaker card to the left and the "oh what fun!" is an acetate die cut with glitter letters. The day 7 page is a 12 x 12 pattern paper, another piece of the die cut page from the title page of the album, the snowflake is similar to the sentiment on the other page and again the number is from the 12 x 12 sheet.

On day 7 the kids were supposed to take a bubble bath but that didn't happened, instead I took pictures of them playing Infiniti on the PS3.

The 3 x 4 on the top is from the Project Life Christmas Mini Pack and the tag on the bottom is from the Martha Stewart Christmas collection.

On this page the "Joy to the World" is from the same pack as the previous acetate. The title page for day 8 is one of the albums dividers with a tag and the number from the 12 x 12 sheet.

Day 8 there were no activity either, we were supposed to read a Christmas story but I remembered I don't have any Christmas books oops! We had to take Chloe to the Vet so, I took pictures of that.

There's another of my shaker cards, on this one I used a cardboard snowflake that I found at the dollar spot at Michael's, sequins and again the snowflakes are vellum and the green 3 x 4 is from Recollections.

The title for day 9 is a vellum sheet, I used a label that came in the pack I bought at Big Lots and some letter stickers.

Well, that's it for now...again I will continue with this December Daily 2013 series on my next post...stay tuned. Thanks for watching!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

December Daily 2013: Part 2

On my 2013 DD I used an overlay on one of the photos per day, I found it online (you can find it here;
this overlay have the day, month and year. I think it look so cute!! This photo on the left is from day one like I explain on the previous post, I used the page protector front and back for the photos of each day. 

The title page for day 2 is a divider that came with the album (6 x 8 Snap), the banner came on a pack of die cuts that I bought at Big Lots, the number two came as a full 12 x 12 sheet that I cut down and the tree is a gift tag that I found at Dollar Tree.

The activity for day 2 was to write letters for Santa; I gave to each of my kids a grid Project Life card and ask them to write 5 things they wanted for Christmas, then I insert them on this Tim Holtz envelopes and used letter stickers with the initial of their names to differentiate them. I also used an Elf die cut that came on a Recollections pack and the 3 x 4 tree card is from a 12 x 12 sheet that I got at Archiver's.

On the other side of the page protector I included a picture of my kids holding their letter to Santa...This was my first shaker card, it came out great and it was really easy to do (maybe I'll do a tutorial later), the 3 x 4 card on the bottom it's just a 12 x 12 sheet cut down to size.

The title page for day three is a vellum 8.5 x 11 sheet cut to 6 x 8, the scalloped circle is from the die cut pack from Big Lots I cover the center with some pattern paper and used Thickers for the number word.

The activity for day 3 was to make ornaments for the Christmas tree, made a collage to document that. The deer is from the Recollections die cut pack and the 3 x 4 card is from the Becky Higgins Project Life Seasons mini kit.

And on the other side a picture of the kids hanging their ornaments on the tree...

The envelope is from the stationary package I bought at Michael's, the title page is a 12 x 12 sheet of pattern paper cut down to size, the number four is from the 12 x 12 sheet that I used earlier.

And that's it for now, stay tuned for more on th next post of my 2013 December Daily...
Thanks for watching!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

December Daily 2013: Part 1

This is my 2013 December Daily...

I tried to do a video so I didn't have to post all the photos but it didn't work out 'cause it is too long...ja!
So I decided to do it a bit at a time, maybe 2 or 3 days per post.

The upper picture is the cover; I used an 6" x 8" Snap Simple Stories album and although I like working with the page protectors it got to bulky...

On the first page I used a die cut 12 x 12 page that I cut to fit into a pp and a tag where I included our family names. On the inside of the cover that was me playing with some stamps that I found on Tuesday Morning...

On the second page I included an Advent Calendar type of Xmas tree; behind each circle (or "ornament") is a daily activity like; decorate the tree, make hot chocolate, make Christmas cards, etc. I got the list off the internet. We didn't do every activity on this calendar but must of them were accomplish and that's enough to make me feel good. For me it was a good idea 'cause I didn't have to improvise to much in terms of what I was going to document and take pictures of each day.

This' the divider for day 1; I did one for each day and this was the reason my album got so bulky and is one of the things I'm going to avoid on the next DD.

I included this December calendar but I end up not writing a thing in there...oops! The stationary on the other side have a Christmas vellum quote on the inside, I like to play around and have different size inserts.

And finally this is the actual pictures for day 1; the first activity was to decorate the Christmas tree...for each day I used the front and back of the page protector so you'll see the other side of day 1 on the next post. Thanks for watching!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Project Life 2014: Week 34

This week I use some of my MAMBI cards that I've had for a long time, the title card and the one with the scissors is from the Cut & Paste Mini kit and there is a Snap and I believe an Echo Park cards. 
This week I had a lot of pictures so I had to do a flip pocket (in the lower right corner), I haven't bought those flip pockets that are ready to use, so I made one with a page protector. I "stitch" it together with washi on the sides and attach it to the page with more washi.

Here you can see the flip pocket open...

And here are more detailed pictures of the pocket, I use a paper clip to keep everything in place...

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Current Planner

Today I want to show you my current planner...

I bought it at AC Moore for $5.00 last year and I wasn't really sure I was going to use it after I got it. Didn't notice on the store that the months are before the weeks (this was a first for me), I like the month first and then the weeks. I ended up using it anyways and so far so good! I don't use the months section like; never! but it's doing what is supposed to do... keep me organized and up to date.

I needed a space for each week layout so I end up including a print out of the design I was going to use, there I plan on what picture goes where and what cards I need and of course the orientation of the pictures. I also started including what I was going to blog about each day...
It's not pretty (I don't embellish my planner, yet!) but it's functional.

This is a view of the empty pages...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Well, let me start writing that with this post I don't, by any means try to imply that I'm an expert organizing... I go with the flow and with what works for me and my budget...

Like you saw in my previous post of my scrap corner, that is what I have a CORNER...and it is not big at all!! So I have to do miracles to stay organized with so little space and limited budget.

Lets start with my Raskog cart...

I will start with the bottom tray 'cause apparently I forgot the pic... In that tray I have 2 plastic containers (you'll see it on another photo) that I bought at Walgreen's on the Valentines Clearance section, it have three compartments (and it fits PL cards perfectly) down there I have my less used wood stamps, the homemade perler beads enamel dots, mists and other stuff that I barely use.

This is the top tray of the cart... here I have an Antonius tray that I bought at Ikea with the cart itself (I bought three Antonius) and here I keep the date stamps, stamps, inks, washi samples, adhesive, corner chomper, tiny attacher, paper clips, scissors, pens, pencils, ect.

And on the middle tray I have the second of the Antonius with some of my PL cards, I keep my PL stash by kit and theme.

This is my thickers and alpha stickers storage that I keep on top of my desk. This basket I bought at Target on the dollar spot area and is big enough for this amount of thickers (I don't know how many I have), I think there's space for maybe two or three more but I'll surely need new storage soon.

Also on top of my desk I have this tray that I got at Walgreen's (this is the same as the ones on the Raskog) they were on clearance for 1.75 or something like that. Here I keep my tiny alpha stickers, labels, index cards, some enamel dots and other Studio Calico embellis that I got a while back.

To the left of my desk I have a Wal-Mart bookcase with the rest of my stuff (including the finish albums), on top of it I have my sewing machine, a frame from the dollar spot at Target (I need to change the photo of course), underneath the frame there's a pencil case that I found at Staples for a dollar with scrap of papers and the third Antonius tray with more PL cards. On the first shelve of the bookcase I have my Cuttlebug Kidz (my only die cutting machine :( ), the white tray have markers and other stuff, next is a case I got on the "as is" section at Michael's it holds my sequins (you'll see another detailed photo) and on top of that my water colors and those two compartment cases store a variety of embellishments like my epoxy homemade flairs, wood veneers, labels, letters, cut outs, die cuts, flowers, ect.

This is a more detailed view of the containers on the bookcase, this I got at AC Moore and is intended for beads and the rainbow loom bands. Here I have things that I've download, printed and cut myself like labels, geo tags, sayings, words, ect. 

This container is the biggest one and I bought it at Harbour Freight it's intended to store tools and manly stuff ;), it cost just three bucks!... here I keep wood veneers, flowers, the epoxy flairs that I made, letters, some cut outs of 12 x 12 paper, ect.

This is the sequins container that I mention earlier, got it for $2.49 at Michael's on the "AS IS" section. I have found a bunch of stuff in that section for much less than the regular price! This container it said on the sticker that some parts were missing I think 2 of those small cases, but really for just 2!! It even came with tweezers and another tool on that big case in the center.

OK, moving on... On the second shelve of the bookcase I have my finish and empty albums. The first one from left to right is my current PL album is the black and white polka dot PL brand, the second album is empty, this one I got from my favorite section at M's (the "AS IS") for $4.49!!! Score!!!! The third one is a cloth American Craft and is my 2013 PL album, the fourth and fifth are American Craft but this are the one with the kraft color front and back that you can customize and they hold my PL from 2008 to 2012...

Right next to the albums I have a two drawer plastic container (on the next photos you'll see what I store on this drawers) on top of the drawers there's another yellow cloth American Craft album that Michael's had on clearance for $3.99. And on the last shelve of the bookcase more albums, this are the first traditional scrapbooks that I made they came all the way from Puerto Rico... to the left on the black & white plastic boxes are the Christmas embellishments and other stuff that I use for my December Daily.

On the first drawer are my punches, I don't have a lot.

And on the second drawer I keep my Selphy and accessories. I don't keep it outside 'cause I don't want it to get dusty and this way I can keep little hands and paws from touching it! I have to take it out every time I'm going to use it but I don't mind.

Well, and that's it! I know it was looong, sorry. This is my scrap area and storage like I wrote in the beginning I'm not an expert and there's things that could have being more organized but this work for me and my tiny space and budget.
I'm looking forward to find a better storage cabinet but until then it is what it is!

Thanks for watching and feel free to comment or ask anything. BYE!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

December Daily 2012

For my 2012 December Daily I used a Smash book I think is the travel book. I had bought I while back and really didn't knew how to use it, until a light bulb went on in my head!! DD is what it is! The title I did it in Spanish 'cause my intention was on doing completely in Spanish BUT it didn't went as planned...

I haven't finish this DD neither...I don't know what was going on with was a habit! I did this album with only Instagram pictures, it was easy for me 'cause I had the phone all day with me and I could snap pictures of everything and also kept it simple with just one format. On this first page I photograph the Christmas tree...

I didn't have a general theme for my album I just went with whatever happened each day, by this point I wasn't into lists or Avent calendar activities...

This page is the perfect example of a not completed album, the title is missing!!!

This is my favorite layout by far on this album, I love how it turn up...

This is the cover of the album to which I haven't done nothing at all... can you tell?

I promise I'll post more pictures as soon as I finish it...promise. Thanks, hope you guys like it!